My BFF is my best friend forever. My BFF is:
…my sunshine of bright warm rays……..
…my blue sky filled with singing birds….
…my peaceful lake reflecting the moonlight……
…my daily bread for my hungry heart…..
…my living water for my thirty soul…..
…my way, my truth, my light…..
…my sure help in times of trouble….
…my sure companion in lonely, hard, good, bad times….
…my helper, my every ready hands……..
…my redeemer, the horn of my salvation….
…my friend, my lover……….
He is always there, waiting for me at all times, no matter where I am, no matter what I have doing, no matter what I am doing
He never sleeps nor slumber ‘cos he keeps watch over me
He paid for all my debts with His life and washed away my sins with His blood
He heals me when I am sick,
He stays with me when I am sad, lonely and despaired
He loves me so much that He never stay away from me
He has my name engraved in the palm of His hands
He just never takes his eyes off me.
He is the beautiful, sweet lover of my soul, He brings smiles to my face, give me hope to face the today and the future.
His Name is Jesus and He would like to be your friend too…………
His hands are ever open to receive as many that would come to Him
He knocks at the doors of our heart, waiting to be accepted…….
You can join the party, He loves you already……