Monday, 15 April 2013


I remember first first year in senior secondary school, it was rumored that a particular class mate was pregnant. It sounded like she was about to make her debut in to the school's book of records (good or bad, who cares) and everyone just wanted to see her for the sake of it or see what a pregnant girl looks like. I wonder what she went through while alone and what the end of the story was.

Remembering this particular drama and the stress the girl was subjected to, I found this particular piece by Action Health Incorporated informative and though it is worth sharing.

What are the causes of Teenage Pregnancy?
-Lack of factual information about sexuality, especially ignorance about puberty/growing up, body image, and how pregnancy occurs.
-Misinformation and myths about pregnancy. Young people usually circulate wrong information about pregnancy such as a girl can not get pregnant the first time she has sex. This is not correct !!
-Early initiation of sexual intercourse
-Sexual abuse such as Incest or rape
-Inability to refuse sex: many girls even boys do not know how to say 'No" and say it effectively. You can imagine saying 'No' and your body gesture is saying 'yes'!
-Lack of education on how to use contraceptives or even where to get them from (lack of access to youth-friendly centres)
-Failure of contraceptive method
-Use of alcohol or drug abuse: use of substance compromises your judgement and makes you do things you do not plan to do
-These are some, there are others such as early marriage. 

The consequences in young people range from health, socio-economic to emotional effects. Some of them include:
- Bleeding, anemia, sexually transmitted infections, death of the baby due to low birth weight, cervical cancer (long term effect) etc.
- The girl can die from unsafe abortion or even damage her reproductive organs such as the womb
- Young people who get pregnant while in school are always sent out of school. This affects academic performance and the ability of the boy/girl to be what he/she wants to be in future. This leads to poverty because the girl will not be educated to get a job to take care of herself and the baby!
- Depression, anger, anxiety, shame, stigma and discrimination, hatred even for the child.

How can teenage pregnancy be prevented? 
Prevention is better than cure. ABSTINENCE na the koko!!
Pregnancy can be prevented through:
 1) Abstinence- refraining from all forms of sexual activities. This is the best form of prevention and surest way to prevent getting pregnant. It is also the best options for young people
2) Condoms (male and female): it is important to use condoms correctly and consistently if one can not abstain
3) Use of other contraceptives like spermicidal foams, diaphragms, IUCDs- Intra Uterine Devices, Implants and injectables
4) Oral Contraceptives and Emergency contraceptives
5) Access sexuality education and services- Sexuality education aims to equip adolescents with the knowledge, skills and values to make responsible choices about their sexual and social relationships.

Avoid false information, be empowered, protect yourself, build your self esteem!!

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